

  • :embarassed:
  • Hi Amy, I try and eat veggies with my lunch and dinner, but i must admit that i haven't been sticking to it as much as i did before. Additionally, i have been eating a bit more carbs than i did before (all wholegrain). I am also wondering if i shouldn't increase my protein and cut back on my carbs...
  • Thanks to everyone for the replies. The training program i am on at the moment is the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I started that about a month ago, so i was hoping that the new more intense workouts than i did before would break the plateau. In terms of eating, i eat 5 times a day (3 main meals and 2 snacks). I have…
  • Hi everyone, I have reached the same dreaded plateau. In the past 6 months i have managed to lose 21kg.. but now i have been stuck for the past 6 going on 7 weeks at the same weight. It's not for a lack of trying on the diet or the exercise front. Exercise wise i am working out 6 days a week, and my calories at the moment…