

  • I am sitting here at work actually crying out of my happiness for you. I had a lap band placed on Sept 2 of this year and I know the changes that you speak of. You are an inspiration!! and tomorrow, when I do my happy dance in front of my mirror.. I will be diong it in celebration of you!! Congratulations! Keep up the…
  • I'm so totally with you, you're story sounds just like mine... I maxed out at 240 but had lap band surgery the 2 of Sept and am now at 181. MFP is an awesome way to keep track of what and how much goes in... Feel free to add me and we can help each other! ~Heidi
  • Welcome!! MFP is a wonderful tool!! Try to fit in the excersize where you can, it really acelerates the weight loss!! Have fun!! (but also stay healthy!!)