heathermora11 Member


  • Hypnobirthing! I owe my unmediated VBAC to learning to birth without fear. Highly recommend it. :) the hospital classes were, in my opinion, a waste of time. at least in my case they taught me very little I didn't already know and offered no tools for avoiding a c-section :( Birth is amazing! You got this!
  • I struggled with pregnancy carpel tunnel in my first pregnancy. I noticed it was tied to my sodium intake. I don't have any medical articles to back it up, but with myy second pregnancy I ate MUCH less processed foods and NO salty snacks. It was night and day difference. Keep up the exercise, water intake, and keep the…
  • pre-preg/goal weight: 114 full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs) 1 day: 126.5 lbs (baby = 7 lbs 6 oz) 1 week: 125 lbs 2 weeks: 123 lbs 3 weeks: 122.5 lbs *started longer walking 4 weeks: 122.2 lbs 5 weeks: 123.0 lbs *gain, no no! 6 weeks: 122.8 lbs *started running 7 weeks: 121.2 lbs 8 weeks: 121.5 lbs *gain, ugh! 9 weeks:…
  • Congrats Jaylas-Mom!!
  • pre-preg/goal weight: 114 full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs) 1 day: 126.5 lbs (baby = 7 lbs 6 oz) 1 week: 125 lbs 2 weeks: 123 lbs 3 weeks: 122.5 lbs *started longer walking 4 weeks: 122.2 lbs 5 weeks: 123.0 lbs *gain, no no! 6 weeks: 122.8 lbs *started jogging/running 7 weeks: 121.2 lbs Breastfeeding is going great. Ran…
  • Friday Weigh In! Baby is one month old tomorrow. I think any big losses are over, now for the slow and steady (hard work!) part. I see my midwife on Monday and hopefully will get the go-ahead to start running again. Maybe that will help the last 7lbs to come off? Or maybe they will stick around until I am done…
  • No fun! Sorry! I haven't heard of that before :(
  • @prplrose: LOVE your NSV of not needing the "fat clothes" during maternity. What a great feeling!
  • Happy Friday! Weekly weigh in day for me :) Baby girl is three weeks old, nursing is going well, we are having lots of fun! I had two goals this week : get in 4 good walks and don't GAIN any weight :) met both goals! pre-preg weight: 114 lb (5'2'') full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs total during pregnancy) 1 day post…
  • I just had my baby and I'm thankful I had these in my freezer: healthy muffins, dinner rolls, pasta (you can cook and freeze individual portions, great for feeding the toddler when I don't want to watch a pot boil), rice, pre-portioned smoothie ingredients, vegetarian Shepards pie, shredded chicken. Basically I wanted to…
  • @jilsie11 : I think a lot of us are in the same boat. Those last 10 lbs! Man! But I bet we can all do it :) it may just take time and hard work (go figure!) @kelly : LOVE the "managed to find one of those again" comment! Me too!!! Lol, that's the only reason I'm tracking and such right now... to keep those poulds from…
  • Weekly Weigh In! Baby girl is doing great, she is back up to birth weight, +1 oz. Loving life! pre-pregnancy weight: 114 lbs. total gain at 40 weeks/delivery: +22 lbs. baby weighed 7 lb 6 oz :) 1 day post delivery: -9.5 lbs (12.5 lbs from goal) 1 week pp: -11 lbs (11 lbs from goal) 2 weeks pp: -13 lbs (9 lbs from goal)…
  • Great post idea! I too was able to keep my rings on this time, and I also never reached my starting weight from when I joined MFP. So I was lighter at 9 months pregnant than I was a year before getting pregnant :) I ate much better, watched my sodium intake, drank a ton of water. I was much better emotionally and…
  • First baby girl, 35lbs gained: 8lbs 9oz Second baby girl, 23 lbs gained: 7lbs 6oz Both girls were born right around their due date. So much better round two :)
  • I am sooo blessed to say I have a VBAC story now! My daughter was born July 27, in our home. So she was actually an HBAC, home birth after c-section. It was amazing and I hope every mom considering trying a VBAC does it because every baby is different and just because my first didn't work out, my second sure did! A few…
  • I think I will post weekly post partum weigh ins here. Not really too worried about the weight coming off, just more as "collecting data" kind of thing Pre-pregnancy weight: 114lbs Total gain at 40 weeks/ delivery: +22lbs. Baby weighed 7lb 6oz :) 1 day post delivery: -9.5lb (12.5lb from goal) 1 week post delivery: -11 lb…
  • She is here! Here is the story for anyone who has like an hour to read it (sorry it's long!) Rebekah was born Saturday July 27, 2013 at 9:30am. She weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 20 1/4in long. This is her home birth/VBAC story. I guess I should start by saying something about why we chose a home birth. I could/should write an…
  • Haha, @dawn, I wish! #stillpregnant
  • @igottaoworkout: great story! You are such a rebel! Love it! So glad he is here, that you had no major complications and that you were able to deliver the way you desired. What a blessing! Great plan on healing and enjoying baby and worrying about those last seven pounds later! Bet you won't even have to do much :) can't…
  • 40 weeks today! expecting to go past my due date by at least a week according to a recent ultrasound. we will see! starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI recommended gain: 25lb cumulative gain: 13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs 14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs 15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs 16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs 17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs 18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs 19 weeks: +…
  • Hang in there! My advice is to try and first fill up on as much healthy food as you can, get in those few veggies that sound appealing. For me lately it has been chopped spinach and romaine salad every night for dinner, cut up cucumbers and carrots at lunch and a green smoothie in the morning. And I eat at least 1-2 cut up…
  • Oh Kelly, beautiful story! I am so thankful to have your positive story in mind as we head into our home birth. So glad to hear you were able to remain calm and relaxed, that is amazing! So happy for you!
  • I think observing your body is the only way to know. Low supply, grumpy, feeling terrible? Eat more calories! Gaining weight? Eat less calories! Last time I gained 6lbs by blindly consuming 500 extra calories everyday (or more!) regardless of a perfectly adequate supply. This time I will be a bit more aware of what my…
  • Doing great @jaylasmom!
  • Beautiful stories ladies, thanks so much for sharing!
  • I wouldn't stress either way, but I've always considered it from pre- pregnancy or "day I peed on a stick" weight. I went down a pound or two this time (went down like 6 last time!) but in both cases I report my gain from where I started.
  • starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI recommended gain: 25lb. eating ~1900 cal/day, walking 20-30 minutes a few times a week cumulative gain: 14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs 15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs 16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs 17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs 18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs 19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs 20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs 21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs 22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs 23…
  • no news here, sorry! i have been having practice contractions off and on, but nothing very strong and they go away once I lay down to rest. no cervical checks for me... I feel they can be misleading, and I get too anxious about stuff like that! I have even asked my midwife to not tell me what I am at during active labor…
  • Love my cloth diapers! No pins :) I use a pocket style diaper calle Bum Genius. Highly reccomend! Used them from age 2months-20 months (when she potty trained) with my first and will start day 1 with baby #2. No blowouts! So much cheaper! Environment! Adorable :) so many reasons why I love them. Www.cottonbabies.com has…
  • @kelly: you GOT this! hang in there!! 37 weeks for me today! full term, yaaaaaaaay! starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI. recommended gain: 25lb. eating ~1800 calories, walking ~20 min/day cumulative gain: 13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs 14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs 15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs 16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs 17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs 18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs…