

  • I do feel better, and I have more energy. I will look to the positive things that are happening and not focus on the weight. I wanted to do that in the begining, but then if I don't track my progress I won't know where I am. It is a double edge sword. Ignorance is bliss, but you don't know where you are. Created by…
  • I was told about this group in another post so I figure I would try it out. I have been on this website since the first of the year, and these last 20 are tough. I have been trying to lose them for about a year, but never was really serious. Now I am counting calories, and jogging between 6 and 10 miles a week. I hope to…
  • I was told about this group in another post so I figure I would try it out. I have been on this website since the first of the year, and these last 20 are tough. I have been trying to lose them for about a year, but never was really serious. Now I am counting calories, and jogging between 6 and 10 miles a week. I hope to…
  • Thank you for that pep talk. We have never spoken before but you still encouraged me. That really means a lot. I have never kept up with a long term weight goal, and it is easy to want results now. I know that the last pounds will be more difficult, because I lost around 25 pounds a year and a half ago and I wasn't even…
  • I feel like my goal is forever away. I have been doing this since Janurary 1st and I am 1 pound behind goal of losing one per week. I am tracking my calories, and doing my excercise. Is there something I am doing wrong? Created by -
  • I gave myself a goal of not drinking soda for the month of January. My wife and I had a date night and it had been an extra good day, so I decided to treat myself and cheat. I drank a Pepsi wasn't very enjoyable. No where near when I eat a piece of cake, or have a bowl of ice cream. I will sometimes make a…