

  • Good for you!!! Why us girls always loose the boob first is unfair. The best feeling is grad reunion .... trust me ...that feels the best!!!!
  • Well why not go and buy the red sports car? ...just don't date bimbos :) Us smart women would be offended!! I plan on buying a red vespa (no kids allowed on that thing). I was anxious about 30 because it sounded daunting ... but 40? BRING IT ON!!! I think you just realize who you are and are able to stick to your…
  • Hey geek, may be time for a nutritionist/trainer? I know you are a smart chicka but sometimes a body needs a kick in the *kitten*. Don't be tough on yourself. My Dr. always said to me 'look at how long it took you to gain the weight, now double the time to get rid of it'. Sounds crazy but it kinds makes sense. You are…
  • At first it was always to be able to fit into my husbands jeans and make sure my wedding dress fits me (I try it on every year - 15 years now - to make sure it fits) Now.... have all the boys who called me fat during high school eat their own words!!!! I can still hear one of them....how sad :(