jcbelville Member


  • One for the Road by Pinter is also pretty great. Oh and True West by Shepard. A classic.
  • Dark chocolate is fine in moderation. Isn't it even supposed to be good for you? And AMADEUS! I totally forgot about that play. Amazing. I haven't read Equus. I like Beckett, especially Endgame. Pinter is great. I don't really care for post-modernism, but I also don't really care for most "isms" in theatre anyway. Theatre…
  • I just find that it's hard to improve myself when no one else cares, honestly. hehe. I guess that's kind of self-centered but it helps to have people who are focused the same way I'm focused, so if I screw up they can say, "Hey, you screwed up," and I can say, "Yeah.." with a big frowny face.
  • Have you read The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? It's one of my favorite Albee plays, just because it's such a bold idea. Well, we'll have to exchange plays sometime, give each other notes. :)
  • Yeah! Definitely. That's why I started this thread in the first place, because I was sick of having a profile with no friends. It's hard to lose weight when you're by yourself!
  • There's a "Quote" link below everyone's post. Don't worry, I was confused by it too at first. Aside from Shakespeare, I am a huge fan of Chekhov. I love Mamet and Albee and all sorts of other playwrights that I can't think of at the moment. My main focus here at Portland State is playwriting. I'm currently procrastinating…
  • Haha, okay! I like your confidence.
  • Gah! Lucky. I just went for the BA at Boise State (it's where I'm from). Though I would say I had an excellent education there. What kind of theatre do you enjoy? Or, alternately, who is your favorite playwright?
  • Since I'm weight lifting, I need to keep a pretty high intake of protein for muscle growth. This led to me thinking that a great post-workout meal would be a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder, some fries, and a coke. So I've been doing that at least three days a week, after each workout. I'm just starting to realize that that…