kennyrd1 Member


  • Eating some sort of protein at meals help signal feelings of satiety in the brain and will keep you fuller, longer. Some meal combinations that help keep me full: 4oz cottage cheese and lite greek yogurt, 3 oz tuna and 2 cups of vegetables, 4 hard boiled egg whites and low cal english muffin, Kashi oatmeal with a scoop of…
  • Its not harmful unless you have pre-existing kidney disease (for these people you actually want to restrict protein). But your doc would let you know if that was a concern. You're body will increase oxidation of protein if supply is greater than needs to take care of it. Not likely that a high protein intake would be the…
  • Sounds like your personal training shoud stick to training advice. Three serving of fruit will not hinder and may belp weight loss for a couple reasons: 1) fruits supplies fiber and a high water content helping with feeling of fullness on cal reduced diet, 2) one serving of fruit is generally around 60 calories (low cal…
  • I like mixing 4 oz of cottage cheese with a greek yogurt. Gives you about 25 gms of protein and the yogurt covers up the taste of the cottage cheese if you're not a big fan like me.