

  • That actually sounds gross to me lol. If it were just caramel cheesecake then I would so OK but the bacon added grosses me out.
  • so a little creepy I guess but my dad had these flannel coats he use to wear and now when I see guys in them it is awesome I love flannel coats and when their veins like sick out of the muscley arms yup muscley lol and it wouldn't hurt if his lip was pierced or he had an irish accent either just saying.
  • I am at 336 that I know of. I am doing my best to get at 135 is what my dr said she would like me at I started at 350.
  • Buy things you know will stretch will satisfy you and still not be horrible to eat. Read the nutrition label because some things you think are better for you are actually worse. And don't plan your menu around stuff you want but what is on sale. Most stores have an online ad so you can look at one and then make a shopping…