

  • Anything is ok in moderation, just make sure you're honest about your food log! Alcohol has a lot of calories, and it's easy to snack and over-eat while you're drinking!
  • I was a vegetarian for 5 years, my favourite go-tos were beans (any kind, just watch sodium for canned beans), chickpeas and portobello mushrooms. The mushrooms are especially good grilled, just dress it like you would a burger or steak.
  • I have the same issue: when I set mine to -1lbs a week it suggests about 1400 and I had trouble getting it that high without eating junk food. But then I started eating nuts and trail mix. You do need to watch the sodium, but nuts and dried fruit are very high in calories and much more satisfying than chips. You could also…
  • I'm been on and off the site, looking for some friends for support!