

  • I was just thinking tonight that I need someone to hold me accountable to go to gym before work tomorrow so I think this is good for me too.
  • Wonderful motivational post. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations and you look great!
  • You know I have a friend with horrible back problems was addicted to pain pills and started doing Yoga 6 months ago and completely off all meds and working out and doing all types of exercise now so I definitely believe this.
  • I'm starting week 4 tomorrow and have never been a runner and don't necessarily think I will but have noticed I don't hate C25K. Signed up for Color Run in Sept.
  • Hi I'm very motivated and focused but still realize you have to have balance in life. Lost 27lbs. since fall of last year and then joined MFP two months ago. Feel free to friend me.
  • Hi I finished my 3rd week day 2 of C25k today. I am not a runner and don't particularly like running but thought it would be fun to do color run and a challenge. I run on the treadmill at the gym so not dealing with the elements. Good luck and feel free to friend me. Mary Anne
    in Training Comment by mafferrell June 2013
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