

  • Sounds like a good goal. I have started putting stickers on my calendar for everyday I get my workout in. I know it might sound silly but it feels great to look back and see the month full of stickers.
  • I need something like this, what's the challenge?
  • What if you use instant oats? I don't have any rolled or steel cut right now but a large thing of instant I want to use up. Any suggestions?
  • I see so many people that have tried WW and switched over or are doing them together. I also did WW, I'm kinda glad to see that others have done the same thing. I don't feel like I'm throwing in the towel on that. I lost 30lbs on WW, then got married and gained about 25 back, over the last 6 years my weight has been a yo…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18/19 years old and am now 27...(wow I didn't realize it's been that long!) I have struggled with my weight almost my whole life. I haven't been below 210lbs in prob 6 years and even have a ways to go to get back to that point again. After I got married I put on about 20lbs...seems to…
    in PCOS Comment by Mally1124 March 2012