skuli Member


  • I would love to join you, I've started P90X twice and both times didn't go past week 3 :-(, maybe this time it would be different.
  • It looks like you are trying to link to your email pictures. I assume you have those pictures in your inbox and you've copied the link from the address bar. That won't work, as it is only visible to you (email owner). You need to upload your pictures to a hosting site, like, etc., then you can use those…
  • bump - great article!
  • Hello, I use That's a great site! It takes free text recipe and converts it into a grid with nutrition facts. For example: "750 г шампиньонов, 2 луковицы, 3 помидора, 2 сладких зеленых перца, 4 ложки сливок, 1 ч.л. перца красного молотого, 1 ч.л. картофельного крахмала, сок 1…
  • It is sad that my first post has to be defensive in nature, but I just couldn’t stay silent. Folks, where did you see Acg67 say that low-carb diet does not work? All that he said (and backed it up with links to medical studies – btw…thank you for the info) is that low-carb diet yields similar results as any other…