

  • Starting weight: 173 1st weigh in: 171 I'm happy!!
    in WEIGH INS Comment by chloe65 March 2012
  • I use Maple Grove Farms of Vermont - Fat Free Balsamic Vinegarette Salad Dressing. It has only 15 calories for 2 tablespoons. And it tastes great!
  • I finished L1D3 yesterday. I'm going to try to do it every day for 30 days, but realize that some days will be difficult due to my schedule. So far each day is getting easier.
    in Check in Comment by chloe65 March 2012
  • March 1 weigh in = 173 March 31 goal weight = 163
    in WEIGH INS Comment by chloe65 March 2012
  • Hi! I started the 30 Day Shred about a month ago, but only did it for a couple of days. I'm hoping by joining this group I will be more motivated to stick with it! I've lost 3 pounds towards my 30 pound weight loss goal.