

  • Hmmmm, I have been reading all of these posts as I also have an under active thyroid. I am on synthroid .137mg and have been for many many years now. At first when my doctor diagnosed it, I was getting checked every 8 weeks or so but now I only get checked whenever my prescription runs out. I am given a prescription for 90…
  • Add me! I will add you
  • Wow. You look awesome! Such an inspiration. Good luck!
  • I have the same issue here. I have been up and down in my weight mostly in the past 10 years but since I had my section almost 20 years ago that little bit of skin is always there but I found that when I get to my target weight that it isn't as bad. I agree though that it is a small price to pay for having a healthy baby…
  • I agree.. C25K really does work. They have apps to help as well or you can just follow the program. In no time you will be there!