

  • @H_Factor. Thank you very much. Very informative and very helpful. It definitely helps to be educated on all of this. My dietician educated me on what food to eat, now i am understanding how much I should eat and how exercise effects my caloric intake. You all are awesome! THANKS
  • @ Russell... Thanks that really puts things in prospective for me :)
  • @CMmrsfloyd, yes that makes it more clear for me. So I know if I am going to have a hard workout then i will need to eat more. I will try to implement this from now on and will hopefully see the results I am looking for
  • @jrushton12. thanks for the info, i will definitely eat more next time i exercise. i was wondering why i feel so tired and crappy today....
  • thanks again...i am still a little confused about the net calorie thing. For instance, my calorie goal was 1500 cal, i consumed 1150 and then my exercise was 1198, so i was negative for my net calories. are you saying that even after you exercise you should have an average of 1200 net calories? I understand that your body…
  • Yesterday I had negative net that bad? I thought that is how you lose weight, putting more calories out than in.
  • Thank you all! I am trying to stay positive. @ CMmrsFloyd, I definitely went from just walking a couple times a week to a super intense kickboxing class, so i am hoping that my muscles are still trying to recover from all those darn push-ups we had to do!