Sounds fun
Thompson & Senour
Welcome to the journey.
101 lb goal. 11 down, 90 left
Everyone needs a support network. Add as needed.
Benjamin Harrison YMCA;
Hendricks YMCA...
shamrock is an annual family favorite. Great time.
Its a really fun day and the fairgrounds is a nice set up because there is no traffic to worry about. My only advice is to put cotton in your ears.... you will be pulling color out of everywhere for a week and its nice to have some protection.
Baxter Y, Various @ home w P90X, occasional Jordan Y, and 100's of miles of open road...
Same beats a gain any day. Remember, no more dieting... lifestyle is changing to a healthy one. Diets are for suckers. What foods are in your house? If cookies are in my house, I eat them. We just don't buy them or if we make them at home, we give some to neighbors, send them to school, throw them out! Better yet, make a…
Great advice. Zig Ziglar spins a great story about making it to his neighbors mailbox one day, then the next mailbox the next, then the street light, etc. Its not about leaving your door and running the Boston Marathon.... its about leaving your door... the and is up to you. Keep it up.
Agree! My daughter loves "playing workout videos" and frankly, when we do something like Pilates that I am not very good at, she shows me up and does it better than I can. No way I am as flexible as her.
Request sent.
Request on the way. Welcome (back)
Nice work. The slow journey still gets you there. I tend to agree that when I have crashed in the past, it all comes back. A slow methodical lifestyle change removes some risk of it coming back. Request sent.
Started with 101 to lose. Joined MFP with 86 to go, add me if you like.
I do my best to comment.
Agree!! Diets do not work. Changes in lifestyle with a "forever" mentality is the recipie for success
Welcome. Add me if you like. New phone on order so I can use the mobile ap. My Pre isn't supported. Looking forward to it.