daffodilsoup Member


  • Some people think it's unethical or inappropriate for women to show their hair in public. Someone who follows a certain religion very closely might be instructed by their holy texts to shun others who don't have the same beliefs. Just because we think differently doesn't mean we can't co-exist - a society doesn't evolve as…
  • Actually, "ethical veganism" has nothing to do with elimination. Being an ethical vegan means that I choose not to eat meat because *I* believe it is unethical. While ethical vegans might hope that people would stop consuming/exploiting animals, at its core, it has only to do with the reason that particular person chooses…
  • ""Ethical" vegans, if they are also animal right activists/animal liberationists have certainly been linked to violence." You also noted that you "can't co-exist" with ethical vegans, be they animal rights activists/animal liberationists or not. Just seems like a lot of people here assume that they can make blanket…
  • This is really funny, also original.
  • It's sad that you've lumped all ethical vegans into the same umbrella as these two folks. :C
  • QFT! That's a wrap people.
  • Can't omnivores eat cheese pizza, cake, and cookies too?
  • I like to make a huge smoothie in the morning and leave it in the fridge until lunch. Keeps me full right through dinner!
  • If politeness isn't working, be firm - "my food choices aren't up for discussion. I'm not going to talk about this with you any longer". If firmness doesn't work, get new friends. - a vegan
  • I hate when my local supermarket advertises red bell peppers for $3.99 a pound like it's something to brag about. Or cauliflower - $4.00 a head? Come on people!
  • I love my Vitamix - the thing could practically blend a golf club. Seeds, peels, and ice don't stand a chance against it.
    in Vitamix Comment by daffodilsoup May 2014
  • Seconding the stand up desk - or even better a treadmill desk!
  • Engaged and happily childfree. I kind of like some kids - but then again, I kind of like some llamas too. It doesn't mean I want to own one and be responsible for it.
  • What happened to the calves that were born from the dairy cows?
  • OP asked for appealing oatmeal recipes - no ingredient restrictions. IIFYM, bro.
  • Not sure if it's been said already, but unsweetened almond milk has a fraction of the calories and twice the calcium as cow's milk. I also generally find it tastier.
  • I do a vegan version with 2-3 cups of hot coffee, 1 tbsp of coconut oil and a splash of sugar free syrup. Whizz it all up in the Vitamix til foamy and creamy. Keeps me full from when I drink it at 7am until lunch at noon.
  • Good, more veggies for me :)
  • Would love for you to elaborate on this.
  • Really? Didn't Tyson get sued around 2008 for feeding their chickens antibiotics, despite using a "raised without antiobiotics" label?
  • Ultimately, factory farmed meat is unhealthier because it generally comes from sick animals. Eggs from chickens who can wander around a field, take dust baths, eat bugs, and generally do "chicken things" taste better because they are getting better nutrients, are happier and aren't essentially kept in a box. I don't quite…
  • A) just because "that's how we always did it" doesn't mean that it's the best way. B) every industry is encouraged to modernize and "get with the times" - but not at the expense of living, sentient beings - human and non-human alike.
  • You're able to eat more volume for less calories on vegetarian/vegan diets, but don't be fooled - simply cutting out meat (usually) isn't enough to aid in weight loss. Cutting animal products out from your diet can be a really great move, but if you're concerned with strict weight loss, focus on your calorie intake.
  • Factory farming is the industrialized mass-production of meat. It's notorious for poor treatment of the animals - cramping them into small spaces and cages, pumping them full of antibiotics to combat disease that comes with overcrowding, and causing intense emotional distress to the animals. It's also bad for the people…
  • I too hope to end all animal ownership and use, because animals aren't ours to use - but maybe that's a topic for another thread :) I appear to be in the minority here, but I feel like this could be a fun challenge for OP. There's a whole world of food out there that doesn't involve land animals that are just waiting to be…
  • Meat isn't the only way to get complete proteins. Whether OP eats a pescetarian diet or not, eating less meat is good not only for the planet, but also is a great way to introduce some variety into the diet. Even just "Meatless Mondays" can really inspire people to get creative with food and try new things.
  • Your cravings for meat can likely be met by our friends fat and salt. Make sure you incorporate these tastes into your diet and you won't feel deprived! There are some fantastic resources out there for vegetarian and pescetarian cooking - focus instead on what you CAN eat!
  • I'd come home from class on a pretty regular basis and make a whole box of rotini pasta, then mix that with a can of black beans and shredded cheddar cheese. And that was just one meal out of my day. Frankly, I'm surprised I wasn't fatter.
  • Represent.
  • For me, there are three main questions: 1) How were the chickens acquired? If they were purchased from a traditional farm, or some other outlet that would profit off of the deaths of hens (either for meat or destruction of male chicks), this would be a huge red flag. 2) What happens to the hens when they stop laying eggs?…