
  • I just finished reading the reviews posted about slimquick.. I'm really surprised.. I read LOTS of reviews before I purchased it. Somehow I didn't see this page? There were very few negative things written about the drink packets.. I'm definitely going to have to look further into it before I continue use.. Also I haven't…
  • I have the exact same story. I started myfitnesspal over 3 months ago but stopped using it because I kept saying "I'll start tomorrow" after eating fast food or something convenient. I've attempted over 5 times to start a diet and exercise plan but today I started FOR REAL! I've done everything from slim fast. Atkins,…
  • What is the site about reviews? :/
  • Joy- I'm doing slim quick not slim fast lol.. I'm just trying one box for now to see if it makes any difference but I would never do slim fast with I tried a shake once and it was disgusting.. I'm just exploring ways to enhance weight loss along with diet and exercise:)
  • Wow! You all are great and I really appreciate the tips and motivation and welcomes! It definitely helps me feel welcome and even more determined! :)
  • [/quote] Welcome! and good luck girl! Question.. how did you come up with 1200 as your daily calorie goal? I eat 1300 calories and im 107lbs. Dont you get hungry? I know I do at only 1300. Also tips would be to stop drinking the slimfast shakes! Instead buy a whey protein and mix in some almond milk. Slimfast shakes have…