

  • I can't agree with this more. If you are absolutely craving ice cream or pizza, enjoy them. Maybe find a healthier alternative for it so you don't feel so guilty about it, or eat it in moderation. Just make sure it's a free day and not a free week/month/year. Get back on track after you've had your off day.
  • Does your gym offer any type of fitness program? Someone to show you how to use the machines. I started light weight, 3 sets of 10. One day arm machines, the next legs. Or you could do a mile cardio, a circuit on the weight machines, another mile cardio, then a circuit on the weight machines, etc... until you get all your…
  • I have a love/hate relationship with burpees and squats. They hurt but you know, they work!!
  • I make turkey meatloaf. It's fantastic!!