vachm Member


  • I'm starting over AGAIN too. Set a goal at the first of November and didn't make it through the month! Trying again. Add me to your friends for motivational support - I need it too!
  • I think it depends on your age - at least for me, at 51, cutting alcohol out almost completely gets me the best results. Something about the empty calories of alcohol - they just don't burn off and tend to congregate on the waist line. I will set a goal during the week of no alcohol - then "reward" myself with a glass of…
  • Wait until you hit menopause - a pound a week will feel like a frickin' miracle! :laugh:
  • Love the idea of logging in the wine first thing - dangerous - but love it.:drinker:
    in WINE! Comment by vachm March 2012
  • Drinking wine is a favorite past time - but it does show up on my belly - trying to cut back - not easy - especially with summer around the corner - love to float in the pool and sip cold wine!
    in WINE! Comment by vachm March 2012
  • Also try Siggi's skyr Icelandic yogurt - also strained - and the flavored ones are VERY low sugar. Go to their website - it's very informative. If you like your yogurt not so sweet and hi pro - this is good. Love Fage too.
  • 51 here! Feel free to add me. Trying to get rid of the pinot grigio gut!
  • It's the menopause monster - soo sooo easy to gain and soo soo hard to lose. I'm in the same boat. Some days the scale goes up just by thinking about food or wine! The meno-monster plays tricks with our minds and makes us want to quit - it's hard - i have no magic advice to give -let's just keep plugging along - I think a…
  • Obsessive is a good term - being 51 and a menopausal maniac everything becomes a bit obsessive. It is sooo hard to take off weight now - mostly because I love a good glass of wine, or two or three and anything carb related. Glad to connect to women my age!
  • I have found so many great vegetarian recipes in this cookbook - Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites. This cookbook is my go to cookbook when I'm bored with beans and rice. Their recipe for black bean and sweet potato burritos is fantastic!