

  • well done you look amazing! i hate the scales too, last month i only lost 4 lbs on the scale but i lost 3 inches on my waist and 4 on my legs. Also as you excerise you will be gaining more muscle.sadly i also lost loads of my chestal region too :( the one place i didnt want to lose the weight :) keep up the good work:)
  • Iv been overweight since I was a child and just got bigger and bigger during my teenage years, so my self esteem has always been rock bottom. Even though iv lost over 40lbs my self esteem hasn't changed much at all! :( I still have many days that I just look at myself and thick yuk! Would love to have some friends on here…
  • I usually stop dieting for a week or 2, I just maintain my weight, I don't go mad and binge. But I then find once I start the diet and exercise again I lose another 1-2lbs in the first week
  • I'm 5'9, weighed yesterday at 195lbs. I'm a typical pear shape, uk size 12 on top but a slightly loose size 16 bottom, a size 14 is slightly too tight around the tummy