

  • Hey Heather! My Name is Denise from Cali, and I am in the same boat, I have about 40-50 lbs to lose before my wedding next year. I have started running again, only 20 mins at a time, but hey, its a start right? I would love to mourn the loss of pizza with you LOL. Hit me up here! I am running today @ 3:30, what will you be…
  • @ Magda, that is so awesome girl! I live in the heart of the country in Northern California, the people here are all extremely generous and definitely know how to cook, and I'm talking Paula Dean Style no skimping! I just have to keep a picture of myself at my current weight around so I can remind myself that those treats…
  • I agree on the pickles thing. Had one last night as a little snack.
  • Thanks for the feed back. Exercise makes me not so hungry too, but when I am in the office its difficult because my group likes to eat. We always have some kind of num nums in the office, right now its pumpkin pie! Evil Co-Workers!! haha. I am just trying to drink as much water as I can until my lunch meal.
  • Aww thanks everyone! I hope I am able to be successful and not get lazy or discouraged.