hotpink82 Member


  • I was actually gonna start working out to the 30 day shred. I love Jillian she knows her stuff. I need to really push myself here damn! Motivation would be nice :) 87 more pounds to go... oh man!
  • when I saw myself in photos and when my slacks started to fit snug. I also avoided mirrors which is a HUGE no no! people from high school saying wow you look so different god i hated that! Im tired of being fluffy. I refuse to gain weight. gotta get to it!
  • yea i lost some weight on my feet heels fit better. and the neck and my head! LoL I would Actually measure around my head weird i know but i wanna know where im losing weight. losing weight is so darn hard to do but its so worth it! Keep up the good work! Stephanie