

  • I know I feel better heading into the middle of the day if I have protein included in my breakfast. Protein sustains the calories consumed longer and helps to prevent blood sugar highs and lows. Also, if you have been exercising a lot, then you may have increased your muscle mass and your body may require more calories…
  • Maybe you need to re-frame how you define success. Losing 8 inches doesn't sound like "getting no where". Don't be so hard on yourself. Try having your body fat tested and see if you are making progress there. We absolutely cannot measure our progress by the scale alone. You have probably put on some muscle if you are…
  • Here is a great website that explains how to calculate your daily caloric needs. http://www.shapefit.com/basal-metabolic-rate.html If you drop too low in your calories, and 1200 per day sounds VERY low, you will actually slow your own metabolism instead of stimulate it. This will seriously inhibit your ability to lose…