

  • Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I wish you the best of luck as you get healthy!! Your BMI seems healthy, you may consider trying a body composition analysis that can tell you if you have enough muscle! Just a good starting off point so you don't lose too much weight :) I'd be happy to motivate!!
  • I loooove my green tea - and it is a crazy good source of EGCG. If you're not super down to sweeten it with a little honey, try the Celestial Seasonings Green Tea with White Tea (not an ad, I just like this one). It's got an elephant on the box - it's legitimately so much sweeter than normal green tea, you won't even need…
  • Hi all! Low carb diets are always tempting, but please be careful! JumpingDog, reducing refined sugar intake is always a plus, but be careful with all the additional fat you're consuming in the form of creams, nuts, cheese or butter. If you're working out, your body needs to be able to replenish its energy supplies, and…