I'm low carbing so I cookie would be a no no for me.. but if you are not low carbing and it fits in your daily calories then by all means - EAT THE COOKIE : ) And enjoy!
LC and exercise
Actually - I AM hypoglycemic and low carbing keeps my sugars stable because my body is creating sugar/fuel from my fat.. I never felt better. I no longer have the low sugars or crashes I had when eating a "normal" diet with lots of carbs. So yes - hypoglycemic and diabetics (my mom, aunt and daughter have diabetes) can low…
If they go right back to eating the foods that made them fat to begin with - then the answer is no matter what diet you are on - you will regain the weight if you return to that type of eating.
To answer your question - when you restrict carbohydrates your body runs out of "sugar/fuel" and if you are not eating carbs for energy - your body MUST start converting fat to fuel in order for you to survive... And if your friend is eating 20 or less carbs a day - most likely they are also being calorie restrictive…
I'm 41 as of January... I am sick to know that I spent all of my 30's overweight... I refuse to go another year without doing something about this weight.. I wish all of you the best of luck!