

  • I did the june challange and also thats when i started my weight loss journey when i weighed in i was 293.0 pounds as of June 1st as of July 1st i am 271.4 pounds i would like to be under or close to 260.0 pounds the end of july well stay motivated and stay strong Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Well everybody i am doing the goal oriented month of june and i can not only feel the results but see them as well as friends and family well the reason i am writing is because i am away on businessss................. ok dont worry i am so proud of myself i am continuing to workout in the mornings before work Created by…
  • Well i just wanted to give a mini update i started on june first using my elliptical for 60 minutes per day well in some cases at least 40 and i have went from june 1st 292 lbs to weighing in this am i am at 284.5. all i have been doing is watching what i eat and planning my meals on here per day so i dont over do it. ie i…
  • I just joined last night too i figured it was time for a change No matter how hard it is i am going to do 60 minutes per day for june and also see what happens i may even break it up to thirthy minutes in the morning and thirty in the evening. well good luck to all
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