

  • Toxins are not what is in your skin. They are found within your body, specifically stored within the fat cells of your body. Its those toxins that delay and prevent the fat cells to metabolize as fuel and thus become your "stubborn fatty areas." Once those are removed, you are able to shrink the cells more efficiently with…
  • I have been here since 2011 and never really knew about the forums until recently. Despite that fact, the science behind detox does not change. Every report I have ever studied (credible reports) indicate you do NOT gain additional fat cells after childhood. Please feel free to post a credible source to prove to me…
  • The wraps actually DO work. As someone who has tried them (multiple times) and who has actually researched each ingredient within the wrap, I can honestly tell you the wrap has ZERO osmosis (water transfer/loss) properties in ANY of its ingredients. The ingredients in the wrap are the key. You can even check each of the…