

  • Haven't you seen Charlotte from sex and the city? Sure, her thighs and hips are a bit bigger, but she is gorgeous and rocks her body regardless. Everybody has something they don't like. You're beautiful regardless!
  • Great! Thank you so much for your help. I do my own calorie counts and enter them in because what I do is more accurate, but I will think about saving some of those calories from exercise for Buffalo Wild Wings on Thursday. Thanks again and best of luck!! -Steph
  • I am 130 and 5'6". I am thin, but I want to be wow instead of average which is why I'm trying to lose a bit of weight (8 lbs) and tone up a bit. But 130 lbs is a healthy BMI. :)
  • Thank you for responding!! So pretty much, if I exercise, it's bonus calories to eat unless I want to reach my goal faster? :)
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