CamCanEat Member


  • My Mom used to jazzercise back in the 80s in stirrup spandex and no shoes on and I sat on the sidelines and watched as a child and sometimes I participated. About 10 years ago a friend mentioned that she was going so I decided to give it a try and I fell in love with it. It's the only workout that makes me happy. I sadly…
  • I also really like the Burlesque DVD!!
  • I have a 3 yo and an 8 week old. We got the double bob stroller with attachment for carseat so I'm walking. I also got a fitbit today and am going to shoot for 10,000 steps a day no matter what. When I just had one baby I used to go to Jazzercise because they have child care. And I think maybe when the baby is older and…