agar62 Member


  • Yesterday I did 6 butterfly sit ups 9 push ups 12 alt. lunges Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. I am SORE today! (I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks). I would say some inexpensive home equipment could be: speed rope for double unders kettlebell for swings or snatches Medicine Ball for wall balls a couple of free…
  • I have the same issue, but mine is due to boredom. I get bored with my workouts and that's when I lack the motivation to go to the gym. If I really enjoy the workout I'll stick with it, but if I don't lose weight quick enough with it, my mind says "screw this!" and I stop going for a bit. then I realize I have to work out…
  • Same here. I'm 28, been married for 8 years and decided early on not to have kids, but now that I'm closer to 30, it's a scary thought to never have kids. I'm child free by choice, not because I never wanted to have children of my own, but because society today seems like such a terrible environment to raise kids in, what…
  • Pasta Salad: Tri-Color pasta Black olives Cherry Tomatoes 1 Cucumber 1 Yellow bell pepper Balsalmic vinaigrette dressing (either low fat, or regular) Feta Cheese Boil the pasta and then set aside to cool. Dice up the olives, tomatoes, cucumber and bell pepper and mix with the pasta once it has completely cooled. Add 1/2…
  • I agree with jess135177! if we go out to dinner on the weekends, I try to stick to water, salad as a side, less calorie main dish. If we stay in, I try to watch the portions. Wings aren't so bad, if you don't partake of the fries. Also, if you know dinner is going to be a doozy on the diet, try to eat light for breakfast…
  • Protein for Breakfast! If I don't have some sort of protein in the morning for breakfast, then I am starving all day. My day usually consists of: Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich (less than 300 calories) and a cup of Coffee, Lean Cuisine and a Diet Soda for Lunch, (around 300 calories) Piece of Candy for a snack (I…
  • do you like chinese food? I love to do chicken with stir-fry veggies and some steamed rice when I need a quick go-to meal. you can use any kinds of veggies that you like, however the "brown sauce" that I make is always the same-soy sauce, corn starch, and chicken broth. Chicken Broccoli stir-fry Ingredients: 2 tbsp oil…
  • Also, anything by Santigold...but especially "Look at these Hoes"