

  • You've done great. Do you run? i only saw that because of your name. I have about 20 pounds to go, i keep gaining weight when i'm injured and depressed. A few years ago i went from 269 - 165 and i've never gone over 200 again. Feel free to add me to your friends.
  • I first started to do serious running October 2008 (weighed 269 pounds), i'd been overweight my whole life and decided before i turned 30 i wanted to be healthy for once in my life (September 2009 i turned 30), i started using the couch to 5k program which was great and ran my first 5k in 35 minutes i've since gotten down…
  • Before thanksgiving dinner wake up early and do a hard workout, then drink a lot of water afterwards so you won't overload on food. You can enjoy your meal knowing you workout hard in the morning before the meal. I've signed up to a 2k, 3k, 5k on thanksgiving morning so i won't feel that guilty eating on thanksgiving.