

  • good on u - so proud of u !!!!!!!!! .. it's u or temptation who wins .. if u let T win .. u lose .. that is how i look at it .. and i'm doing this weight loss for ME .. god that sounds selfish .. but it's not .. it's doing urself a favour .. only demons want u to eat that garlic bread .. ur arteries are begging u not to…
  • iiiiiiiiiii am in control and iiiiiiiiiiiiiii decide .. not some suger-addicted, swimming-in-fat wimp who lives in my stomach or is it my brain LOL ! i can be my best friend or worst enemy .. i tried the latter and didn't like the results, so as the saying goes .. *if u don't want the same results, stop doing the same…
  • i love salads too and have them most lunchtimes .. i don't use leaf salads at all .. i use easy to transport and stock products like .. cucumber, beetroot (vacuum packed already cooked), onions, carrots, tomatoes, raw mushrooms, endives, red bell peppers and as protein cottage cheese or tinned tuna .. all easy to prepare…
    in Salad Ideas? Comment by ggof August 2012
  • some awesome pics there !!!! i wonder how many lbs / kgs the whole community loses every day .. we must be making the planet lighter .. keep up the good work .. :)
  • i'm the opposite .. i piled on my weight becoz i didn't have/use scales, so i kept lying to myself that i was curvy not obese .. do what works for u i say .. u clearly see the urge to weigh-in as a problem, which is the first step to change in anything in life !! i know for a fact that from now on i will live with scales…
  • i love bread and don't have a problem with it, but it has too many calories for my liking .. so i started eating crackers and kept trying to find sorts with less and less calories .. i found these, they have 25cal per slice and i put a slice of ham inside and voilà a sandwich .. for 100 cal (2 crackers + 1 slice of ham) ..…
  • 50 yo, in france, on the border, less than one mile from switzerland .. i have breakfast in france and lunch in switzerland ;-)
  • thanks wrecktecno :)) .. i realise 300 gr is nothing and i don't want to cry over a broken nail, it was the fact i expected to lose some .. so the exact equation was NO LOSS+GAIN LOL .. so in my mind more like 1.3 kg ......... i guess ur right that weight fluctuates .. i'm def. pre-men, can't see any real reason for liquid…
  • i don't have scales so i don't weigh myself .. that might not be the right way to do it .. but hey .. i go by how i feel and how my clothes feel .. and my clothes say i've lost some .. also saw a show recently where measuring ur waist, hips etc was preferred to actual weight loss on scales .. that's my 2 cts worth .. chin…
    in OH NO!! Comment by ggof April 2012