

  • hi ladies! its been a while since i logged in. Ive had trouble with a pinch nerve in my neck that has had me totally out of commission. i weighed in and saw that i lost 6 pounds during all of it though!! if you dont remember, i am the one who had to fit into a bridesmaid's dress that was a size smaller that my normal…
  • ...and why can't housework count as cardio exercise? ive work my tail off this weekend cleaning my house and cleaning for a friend of my husband. a bachelor pad is serious work!
  • i now belong to the 180s club!!! 189lbs. i havent been here since before i got preggers..... 3 years ago. goals this week. water every day and one take out other than monday, got a lunch date with a friend. staying motivated by looking at this bridesmaids dress i have to wear August 7th. Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Hello everyone! weigh in day! i love wii fit plus, it just keeps up with everything! Still at 190, started at 198 at the first of June tho. got 12 more to go by sept 6! I know i can do it. reading everyones' posts keeps me motivated!!! Gotta keep going, gotta bridemaids dress to wear August 10 and my son will be 2 on the…
  • so i joined the group to lose 20 by labor day. my goals wer to drink more water and not eat out for the week. i blew both of those! im trying to stay focused. i've been asked to be n a wedding and now have got to stay on track. the dress a size smaller than i normally wear!!!
  • hey everyone! i want to join too! my goal is 20 by labor day! gotta long way to go. my goals this week are walking 5x, 10 glasses of water a day and no take out. SW 198 CW 190 ...and it begins
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