

  • Folding laundry? Similar motions, I think.
  • Is it an allergy or a protein intolerance? Is he also off soy? I had two babies with Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (aka MSPI.) If those are his only food restrictions, there are great recipes on MSPI Mama's blog Otherwise, we did things like using Fleishman's Unsalted stick margarine (no milk…
  • I've done it twice on the treadmill - literally from "I have to take a nap after I walk for 20 minutes" to running an actual 5K. Slowly. :) Then I did it again when I'd lost all my stamina after a long bout with chronic bronchitis and asthma. It works. I will say that treadmill running (even if you use the inclines and…
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