

  • Its as simple as committing to a complete lifestyle change. In life there are 2 different types of pain that we ALL have to choose from. The 1st is the pain of discipline and the 2nd is the pain of regret. One type of pain is only temporary and can literally transform you to greatness, while the other can leave you in a…
  • This is a big misnomer. You can both lose BODY FAT(not 'body weight, per say) & STILL gain muscle. Its not impossible, it can be done, in fact it is done all the time on a regular basis. The only way you are going to accomplish it is through a meticulously clean diet. As they say, muscles are made in the kitchen and not in…
  • Definitely designing a weight training program along with cardio is the best way to go. If you can find something that incorporates both taht would be ideal! I lost close to 25lbs doing kickboxing and jiu jitsu. Not only is it a hell of a workout but its super fun as well. But undoubtedly you should find a program that…
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