Easiest way to check is google maps. Set your route and let the allmighty google tell you how long it really is.
I completely understand where you're coming from. I think this situation requires a bit of self preservation skills from you and your husband. At the end of the day you have two choices. Either you have the uncomfortable situation of telling them "Please don't buy any of this junk food specifically for us, because we have…
mpf - buffbbb irl - my boyfriend :)
same here, but i'll be off for 3 weeks after new years! mayyyyyvbe i'll gift myself a cheap exercise bike though (depends on how much the other gifts total haha)
Thank god we don't celebrate Thanksgiving! Oh the extra cals... Good luck to you all though ;)
i got myself a pinterest account and whenever i needed a motivational pickmeup, browsed through the fitness boards and pinned my own stuff! :D /definitely gets me to work out or say no to the second muffin! ;)
i regret eating a huge white baguette, slathered in butter, with salami and cheese! that plus the huge glass of organe juice which logged in at around 750 kalories all together lol - for breakfast! (but then again, i'd eat it all over if i could haha)
If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be a cheese sandwich. Bread is amazing.
I have about the same gear that you have, add a dusty hula hoop to that list, and y what workout types you said you liked and didn't like (running! the worst ever) maybe you'd enjoy Casseys workout from! There are a ton of workouts that are 15-20mins that you could squeeze in after Uni while…
I have the same problem with my apartment in the 4th floor and I wouldn't say a yoga mat is the answer. No matter how thick it is, there really is no way it can buffer all the sounds of jumping up and down and doing high impact exercises without your downstairs neighbours feeling like the ceiling will come down haha (at…
the 8th mini daim chocolate that mindlessly followed the 7th, 6th, 5th and 4th unplanned ones.. damnit, not looking for one second and this is the outcome ;) logged it though and will move on haha