kah68 Member


  • Good Morning. @Tracy (TX)~We’ve had some wild weather in north central TX too, hate Spring weather in Texas—the weather is so unpredictable. :expressionless: I’m sorry for the damage you do have but glad it’s not serious and that you and your DH are okay, sorry for the damage your neighbors endured though—amazing how it…
  • @badnoodle ~Wow, that is a lot of yard work—good workout at the same time! Have you found a trick to keeping pests away from your strawberries? @jolyn828 ~Welcome, great job on your weight loss so far! :star: @Kimber8317 ~What a great loss while you were away! Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, so great job making…
  • Good Morning. @Karen ~Looks like you made really good progress with your grading this weekend, end of the school year is near! :wink: @moodybear2003 ~Looks like you ate pretty well before your Jazzercise class—good for you for recognizing your symptoms and scaling back for the rest of the class and then re-energizing…
  • Its a sad day in music, I just read and its been confirmed that Prince died today. :cry: One of the most memorable concerts I've been to was his Purple Rain concert.
  • @Karen ~Hope you got through the grading and DHs car is fixed! @luckylaw ~I’m sorry for the health scare. Just try to make small changes to your diet, sodium is a big one for blood pressure—try and concentrate on that before making any more changes. Too much at once can be overwhelming. Welcome to @ScarletFrye and…
  • Good Morning. @jackiefrost1013 ~Good luck with car shopping. I did that deed last year; test drove several cars—ended up with a Ford Escape which I :love:! The Ford dealership I bought it from is a no-haggle dealership, so it made the process a lot less painless. I think I spent more time waiting in finance then I did…
  • @Karen ~Ugh, I’m sorry for DHs car problem—what’s worse is that he can’t fix it himself! I hope he can get it fixed quickly. @jackiefrost1013 ~Great treadmill goals this week! I need the same goal to clean out my desk, I'd probably be amazed at what I'd find. :lol: @Goinstd12 (Tracy)~OMG, yes we are water logged--we…
  • @jackiefrost1013 ~Welcome! Congrats on your incredible success so far and the healthy changes you’ve made! @mckiea90 (Anna)~Welcome to you also, this is a great thread. You’ll find a lot of support and motivation here. Throughout this process, and life in general, I’ve discovered I need to surround myself with positive…
  • Good Morning. Not a single post yesterday—that is almost unheard of. I hope the few of us regulars that remain can hold this thread together, it would be sad if this thread disappeared after all of this time. Work kept me from posting last couple of days. @sgt_pepper33 ~Yep, all those BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) add up…
  • @Tracy (ND)~Another great cake~I bet the recipient of that cake was excited! :smile: I’ve missed seeing your creations. @Niki ~I can understand your need to stay away from the computer. I spend 8-10 hours a day at work on a computer, so spend very little time on it at home and I’m so busy that I guess it’s easy for me not…
  • @Tracy ~You can add an alarm to the Fitbit Charge HR to remind you to get up every hour and walk 250 steps? I’ve searched and searched and haven’t found a way to do that--I have found where it shows me whether or not I've done it though. :wink:. Sending you good luck vibes for your interview Wednesday! Happy belated…
  • @Tammy ~Weight loss challenge sounds like a great way to stay motivated until your DH returns. Its been a busy morning here. Started out the day baking bran muffins this morning--changed my recipe a bit to cut back on the sugar and fat. Turned out great. Yesterday I found some leftover pulled BBQ chicken in the freezer, so…
  • @celtikgirl ~I have the Fitbit Charge HR (my third Fitbit), it doesn't buzz at me to get up every hour (although I can check how often I accomplish that goal), but because I'm a desk jockey (as I call it) I try to get up and get in about that many steps every hour (purposely walking to another building for the bathroom) or…
  • @Karen ~Yeah, things have been crazy to say the least. :wink: I'm so sorry for the plumbing issues you and DH recently had, really feel sorry that he had to crawl underneath the house to fix all of that. Glad it fixed now! Sounds like you and Laurie had a great time at the Shamrock Shuffle, thanks for sharing the pics--you…
  • Hi Everyone. The last few weeks are just a blur right now. Between a spider bite two weeks ago, a dishwasher that flooded my kitchen, a new payroll system transition this week (mostly smooth but there were some issues) plus life in general I don't know if I'm coming or going. :wink: The good news is that my dishwasher was…
  • Hi Everyone. Sorry, I haven't been around. Work is just so busy right now that I don't have much time during the day. Then my evenings have been really busy too studying and prepping for my software certification exam that is just around the corner (54 days :astonished:). Things will calm down in a couple of months. Its…
  • @Katrena~I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear husband. You have been through so much. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. :heart:
  • Good Morning. @Karen ~So glad you enjoyed your day off and were able to relax. When is Spring Break for you? Some schools here were out last week and others this week. @Karen & Laurie~I was really hoping to be completely recovered to join you for the Shamrock Shuffle in Chicago, I’m sad it didn’t happen that way. Being a…
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • @Karen ~I’m am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Alexa, I know your heart is heavy. No matter how much you prepare yourself, it is still hard. I think taking a personal day sounds like a great idea. @celtikgirl ~I can remember early on during this weight loss journey signing up for a 5k with a friend, thinking “3…
  • @badnoodle~ I’d say you definitely aren’t a soup person. :wink: I sure am, especially black bean soup—I make it often (even in the summer)! :lol: Losing weight and having stick-to-itiveness is all about finding what works for you. Skipping bread works for some people, but not everyone—honestly unless you have a gluten…
  • @Niki ~I looked at Acura, BMW and Lexus when I was car shopping. I couldn't get past ownership costs and the depreciation rate, so I bought the high-end trim Ford Escape that has the exact same luxuries--heated leather seats, moon roof (really what they call a vista roof, glass roof stretches to back seat too), GPS,…
  • @Karen ~I’m very sorry to hear about your friend entering hospice care. :cry: It’s a hard thing what your friend that just lost her dad is going through, too. I know she appreciates you being there to help her. Hooray for a new PB on your 8k, I think you’re doing great, even if you don’t make the 1000k goal for the UA…
  • Just a quick post to update my goals. It was gorgeous here today, got out this afternoon for a bike ride--didn't want to do too much the first time on it in four months, so tried to avoid hilly areas and rode only about 30-minutes. Felt great, but my quads are still screaming at me. :lol: I think I'll know tomorrow how my…
  • Good Morning. @Karen ~LOL at the sweet tea. As you know I grew up in NY, my grandmother came to visit often and she couldn’t believe that a waitress at a restaurant we were in many, many years ago didn’t know what (a) iced tea was and (b) what “sweet” tea was so they brought her hot tea, a glass of ice, and sugar. :lol: Of…
  • Good Morning. Thank you @RobinsEgg (Ellen) for taking the reigns to get this thread moving in the right direction again and posting goals for the month. Just a quick post today, month-end so work is busy. I'll catch up with personals soon. My March Goals: 1. Continue with PT 2-3 times a week (10 sessions scheduled in March…
  • Good Morning. @Robin ~I, too, like your challenge ideas but I need to concentrate on what my physical therapist is giving me during our sessions and for "homework." My PT has requested I ride the bike at the gym for 30-minutes on the days I don't see him, so that's the personal challenge to myself for March. @Laurie ~I…
  • @Karen ~I haven’t eaten the best either lately, I guess on the bright side my weight has either stayed the same or gone down a couple of pounds since my surgery in October. I could have easily gained 15-20 pounds with all of the sitting around. Saturday looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous day here too, sunny and in the…
  • @Robin ~Thanks. I’m sorry you’re in so much pain, I hope the shot helps and that you find relief soon. Chronic pain is no fun. :frowning: Zoe is an indoor cat; I keep my house very clean and closed up during high allergen seasons. I have a feeling hormones are playing a huge role with my migraines, I see that doc in a…
  • Good Morning. @SaleemahR ~Don’t be too hard on yourself, none of us are committed 100% of the time. When you do fall off that wagon, it’s important to recognize it and move on. Hope you still have enough granola bars for your trip. :wink: @Karen ~I’m sorry your insomnia kicked it into high gear the other night, hope last…