

  • I find this SO confusing!! I'm relatively new to Curves, I joined at the end of January. I feel like I am working off more than the 191 calories that MFP gives me. I dont' have a smart tag (yet) but I hear some of the ladies saying they've burned over 500 that just seems like a big discrepency!! Are the tags not that…
  • She hasn't cut back the amount of nursing sessions yet. She is sleeping through the night, so we aren't nursing from 8pm-8am (usually) but during the day it's still averaging every 2 hours,
  • I have absolutely no idea how many ounces. I've never pumped a day in my life, lol. I got measured at the gym today and was down over 5 inches overall since the end of February so I'm actually really happy about that. The scale only showed a 3lb loss, but 5" is impressive (in my books). I am going to keep doing what I'm…
  • For people who are exercising, are you eating those calories or leaving them alone?