Thank you Kara! Your sister sounds exactly like me! I had a colonoscopy too, they found ileitus (?) I think that is what it is called. I guess it can be a sign of Crohn's Disease, but I guess it wasn't severe enough for them to do more testing for crohn's. Then later I did the breath test for fructose intolerance. I just…
I am so back and forth. I went on the no fructose diet for a while after meeting with a dietician, and all I was eating, was literally baked potatos with sour cream and cheese. It got so old, I wanted some good food. And trying to eat at restaurants on that diet was ridiculous, for one nobody knows about it so when you…
Also to add to that, I LOVE lake calhoun! it is a lot of fun!
I'm from minnesota! if you ever make it up to Lake superior there are TONS of hiking trails up and down the north shore. Also the Minnehaha falls are beautiful, and they are right south of the Twin Cities!
hmmm never used spray so lotion. classic cars or new cars?
haha thongs ;-) Green Peppers or Onions?
Thank you ladies, and good luck to you as well :)