nannweeks Member


  • I'm in...starting tonight!!
  • I can't wait to hear about your results!! I need to get my behind moving would be great to hear your results for motivation!!! :bigsmile:
  • Hi there! I do not have TA's Metamorphosis...but I do have her Mat workout, Post Pregnancy workout and 2 of her dance cardio videos. They are incredible!!! Keep me posted on what you think about Metamorphosis!!!
  • Hi there~ I am currently doing Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy DVD - it's amazing!!!! You definitely feel the burn - and I feel my abs, glutes and arms tighten up. My only problem is week, I'll be very diligent and work out 4-5 times, the next week, I don't make working out a priority (story of my life!).…
  • I have Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. They are both great workouts...and VERY challenging. It's been awhile since I did both of them, but I believe they are both around 45-50 min. I also have Jillian's Biggest Winner series, as well as her Yoga Meltdown video. These are also great…
  • Hi everyone! I completed Day 4 of Level 2 Saturday evening, yesterday I did not do 30DS - however, I did get a workout in. We spent a large portion of the morning cleaning up debris in our yard from a storm that went through Saturday night. One of our large trees split in I certainly considered that cleanup a…
  • I completed Day 3 of Level 2 last night, and will wrap up Day 4 with Level 2 here shortly. My abs were sore this!! I went for a nice brisk walk with my daughter and husband this morning as well!! Great start to the weekend so far!! :smile: Have a great day, everyone!!
  • Hi everyone! I know I'm late on joining...but I started with 30DS on July 3. I've not been real consistent with working out daily (last week, I missed 2 days, and this week was VERY bad...I got a workout in yesterday morning, and plan on getting one in tonight). I am on day 2 of Level 2. Level 2 is much more difficult for…
  • I completed Level 2 (day 7) this morning. I have been a slacker this week...BAD!!! I WILL get back on track. My day is so much better all around once I get a work out in...I need to keep that in mind!! Hope everyone else is doing well!! :wink:
  • Day 6 of Level 1 completed this morning. I missed 2 days this it felt good to get back on track. I decided to give Level 2 a shot after my Level 1 workout...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only made it through the first circuit (barely). I plan on doing Level 2 followed by Level 1 tomorrow...hopefully I make it farther…
  • I completed day 5 of Level 1 this morning. I'm planning on switching my 3 lb weights for 5 lb ones tomorrow morning. I don't really feel the 'burn' with the 3 lb weights anymore (well...except when I get to the 3rd circuit....those anterior raises are a doozy!) :) I I've lost .8 of a pound since Saturday. I am planning on…
  • I completed Day 4 of Level 1 this morning. After the long holiday weekend, it was a challenge getting out of bed at 5:00 this morning to do this. But, boy am I glad I did!! I feel great!!! :happy:
  • Finally got day 1 in of Level 1 this morning! It felt GREAT! :)
  • Count me in!! I will begin tonight! :smile: