

  • just did my first day on the program. seem okay,i will see in the am. I would like to do exercise everyday so can i put in a walk on the off days? i downloaded the pod cast by mia, good music.
  • trying to get back on track after a huge move from one side of the country to the other -literally. AK to NC Was really worried that i would gain back but only about 2 lbs. I was used to working out every day and cant seem to get motivated again. I went to the gym and just havent signed up at the new place yet. any…
  • just stumbled across this site, looks great and very active. im starting the Lean for Life program, but im a little worried that the calories are so low. i work out at least four times a week at least 60 mins, hard cardio. i know i have been building my endurance and strength, but that number on the scale hasnt changed…
  • alaska, yes im cold.