kjstavig Member


  • Drinking a glass of chocolate milk is actually good for after a work out. Your muscles are loose from the work-out and drinking the choco milk builds them up. I don't remember why I heard choco milk was preferred over regular milk..but there you have it. :) Sorry -- dunno how this 'reply to a certain person' works
  • I drink diet soda (not in place of something else..just generally), but I'm stopping that. It always leaves me feeling tired and bloated and miserable. They have Sugar Free Hershey's chocolate (which is pretty good). But if you're craving chocolate after meals, I'd keep a bar of DARK chocolate around and break off a couple…
  • One of my favorite quick and healthy meals is Chicken Breast (about 140 cals per chicken breast) and green beans. You can NEVER go wrong with green beans. It's only about 25 cals a serving. You can make BBQ chicken for just about 50 calories more. Or, another one I like to make is some fish (about 80 cals/serv) with a…
  • I usually get a 6" White or Wheat -- With VERY little light mayo, Little Lettuce, and extra Cucumbers. I don't always, but sometimes I get provolone cheese on it. Even with the cheese, it's still under 400 cals.
  • I'm sorry I missed this! For the future though..here's what I found: http://voices.yahoo.com/how-eat-healthy-italian-restaurant-334425.html. It lists a lot of good stuff. There's the common answer (salad), but you can also get things like soup and chicken dishes without totally throwing your day away.