

  • birthday candle
  • I agree with blessedmommy, I used mini goals to acomplish weight goals, the reason I did was not to set to high of a goal where I would not get discouraged and overwhelmed. It helps when you have realistic goals. I started out at 217 and im only 5 ft. I do however have a goal weight of 150 that would put me under my bmi…
  • been there, done that. Got hurt. The signs are there, only you can make that choice
  • I don't quite fit into this catergory. I am only 5'0 . age 42 height 5'0" Starting weight 202 Current weight 164 Goal weight 1st was 175, then 2nd was 165, I have attained my second goal this week. The biggest That I have ever been was 235 Started on in size 24 pants and 2-3x shirts Now im in a size 12 pants and large to…
  • You look fantastic. I'm glad you're doing it for the right reasons. I still have a way to go but you are a great guide if anyone wants proof that it can be done. Way to go!!!!!