

  • I considered it. In fact, it was the fact that I found myself considering the surgery that showed myself how seriously bad my health had become. I needed to take control of my situation. As I thought about it, I saw that I had two options: If I had the surgery, I would have to change my eating habits and exercise almost…
  • I always keep mine at 1200 a day. In 14 months, I've lost 81 lbs and feel a whole lot better! First, I make sure that I eat filling foods. For example, I get more on my plate if I have 50 calories worth of carrots than if I have 50 calories of butter. Personally, I still eat carbs, but in much smaller portions. And, I add…
  • Thanks -- I'll look for them!
  • Maybe they're just starting. Maybe their hearts are not yet up to more exertion. Maybe they don't have the confidence yet to do anything more difficult. Maybe they have finally gotten up the courage to join a gym, and they need to learn how to get more out of it. Maybe they are recovering from a neck injury and the only…
  • What she missed from the talk her doctor gave her is that your body ALSO burns for a while after your workout. So, once you've worked out for 30 minutes, it continues at a higher level then if you hadn't worked out yet that day. In other words, sure a long workout is nice -- but when you don't have time all at one stretch,…
  • Wow, please check your facts before making a statement. It has TWICE the protein.
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