
  • Dont get discouraged, the number are moving in the right direction! Remember that healthy weight loss (the kind that stays off) is about 1 - 2 pounds a week, 0.8 is good! Keep working and take it one day at a time. Whatever you do, dont let the number on the scale dictate how you feel, if you are eating right and working…
    in Okay WTF Comment by SaraCPT January 2012
  • Enjoy it!! Zumba is so much fun!! you dont even realize you/re working out until you are sweatin like crazy!!
    in Zumba Comment by SaraCPT August 2011
  • Way to go!!! I remember getting to that point! Keep up the good work and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a fit, healthy body!!!
  • Zumba is a great class!!! The greatest thing about taking fitness classes is most of those in there feel just as shy as you do! I recommend doing it, if you need a confidence boost bring a friend! Dont worry about your weight, no one is looking at you like that and in a class like Zumba most people are concentrating on…
  • I love the Steak soft tacos on that menu, only 160 calories tons of great protein!! and incredibly filling, I highly recommend it!