

  • That looks amazing! I definitely have to try this. Thanks for the idea
  • Breakfast is my lightest meal of the day because no matter what, Im an evening snacker while watching tv lol.... I usually eat a banana, or an apple slice crunch pack around 8 and around 10 I eat sensible portions veggie chips or a granola bar. I dont let myself eat more then 200 calories before lunch.
  • I only eat 250 cals max between breakfast and lunch. I dont let my dinner go over 500 calories and sometimes not even that. Leaving me 500 in the deficit. Im a huge night snacker and have been since I started losing weight 2 years ago. I realized what I was snacking on was hurting me. The past 6 months Ive lost 53 lbs. and…
  • I chew bubblegum, sugar free trident. Although aspartame isnt great for you, at 5 calories per stick, and your constantly chewing, it kind of tricks the brain. Another thing I do is eat a bag of healthy pop pocorn. It fills me up and keeps me going. Also, celery is a huge filler, just be careful because celery can fill you…
  • Ok. So I've been doing the 30 days shred for 16 days... and.... Ive gained 2 lbs and lost 3 inches in my waist, gained an inch in each thigh, lost a total of 3 inches in my arms, 1.5 inchin my hips and my bra size has gone from a 36 to a 34. Although I am disapppointed with the weight gain, I am happy with the inches lost…
  • Im on day 10 of the 30 day shred and honstly, in or der to keep going, you have to do just that. I was so sore I couldnt walk, get up from a seated position with my sore arm strength, and couldnt bend at all..... BUT the further into each daily workout, the pain subsided and my sore muscles opened up and impressed me to…
  • I ate the 5 calorie sugar free jello's all day everyday it seemed like for a week. Whenever i was hungry i ate one, thinking hey its only 5 calories, never exceeding 8 a day. Well well, I was waaaay wrong. Look up weight gain with jello. Ha, I couldnt go down any and actually started gainig weight. Jello bloats you and…
  • Im kinda new to this site. I use to use Anyhow my husband is the same way and is pissed that I am losing weight. After 4 kids I figured it was me time. I weighed 212, 2 years ago and dropped to 194. Finally since July I decided to stick with it and am now at 159. I am extremely happy and report weights to…