wiggleyum Member


  • This happened with my feet too, just like yours, in the toes. And it happened on all types of equipment at the gym, from ellipticals to treadmills to bikes. The problem was that my toes would touch the insides of my shoes when I was exercising, but not when I was just walking around. So the shoes actually felt fine when I…
  • Hi Zooty. Would you please invite me to the group too? Thanks!
  • 2 minutes, 5 seconds. I'm trying to add 1-2 seconds each time I plank.
  • SW: (Starting weight) 206 CW: (Current weight) 159.2 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 155 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 159.2 9/09 Tue: 159.2 9/16 Tue: 158.0 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost: 1.2
  • Does the Fitbit really report TDEE each day? The calories are titled "Calories Burned", and I am wondering if you are interpreting it as TDEE. I could be wrong - I don't use the Fitbit website too much, so I'm not well-versed on its terminology. (I use the iPhone app and the display on the One itself and only occasionally…
  • SW: (Starting weight) 206 CW: (Current weight) 159.2 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 155 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 159.2 9/09 Tue: 159.2 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost: 0
  • SW: (Starting weight) 206 CW: (Current weight) 159.2 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 155 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 155 9/06 Sat: 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost:
  • Amanda - just want to let you know you are not alone. The description of your situation is exactly mine (even down to the pounds lost.) I keep plugging away, even though I'm stalled at the moment and irritated with myself. Just wanted you to know there are more of us out here, and I thank you for your post!