AmbPickering Member


  • Feel free to add me too. I am 41, Mum of seven and now I really need to get motivated to sort my weight out as I am just under the borderline for type ii diabetes.
  • I have just added you as a friend. I need some motivation!
  • Hi ladies - feel free to add me. I'm 41, seven children and run my own business so I HAVE to get healthier and fitter or I won't be able to cope! I need to lose a third of my current body weight. Yep, you heard right A THIRD just to hit my 'ideal weight' .
  • Starting back up myself. This app makes me think twice before snacking. Too often I pop in a biscuit or cake and it doesn't even register in my mind that I have had it! This app also makes me want to walk more instead of using the car since it is integrated with map my walk xx
  • Me me! I am a 41 yr old very busy mum of 7 and I really really need some support and motivation. I run my own home business and I care for one of my children who has a physical disability. I would love someone to hold me accountable and cheer me on and I would motivate and cheer on in return!
  • HI all - I'm new here. I've been using MFP on and off for well over a year now - and I am finally sick and tired of not losing weight and letting myself get back to feeling fat and unfit. I am 40 in three months. I'm a mum of seven, full time carer to my disabled son who is now 8 yrs - I'm just sick of making excuses now.…