

  • It matters if you have health issues, i.e. high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. For those with health issues you need to be sure to look at where the calories are coming from that you are consuming. In theory I agree with you, it is calories in vs. calories out, but it's also more than that.
  • I understand how to calculate the ratios. What I don't know how to do is change the number in MFP. For example, if carbs are set daily at 188 g how would you change that to 160 g. Again, these aren't actual numbers I would just like to know how to change the preset numbers to ones that I want to use. Thanks!
  • How did you change your ratios? I want to to lower my carbs & sodium & raise my protein. Thanks for any help you can give me!
  • Congratulations! I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I am trying to lose weight some I don't become a full blown diabetic. What a great job you have done. You are my role model to keep trying even when the going get's tough. Keep us posted after your next blood test.
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